To be one of the world’s leading components source in the automotive, agricultural and marine industry admired for our brand, product, and partnership and performance excellence.

To be one of the world’s leading components supplier in the automotive industry and be recognised for our quality, commitment & performance excellence.


To ensure customer satisfaction by providing superior Quality products at Competitive prices and assure timely Delivery.
To continuously make improvements through:
  • Using latest technologies & modern equipments
  • Adoption of best possible business practices.
  • Periodic training of employees & rigorous standards for personnel selection.
To provide a pleasant, nurturing and growth oriented atmosphere which encourages our employees to be highly productive and to develop professionally – while protecting, maintaining and enhancing our environment.
To develop a strong presence in diversified markets around the globe thus providing stability and adequate financial returns to the company, its distributors and its shareholders.
To make INDIA proud and be a part of the success story of ‘MAKE IN INDIA’.
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